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Epaphroditus Foundation For Outreach, Restoration and Training, (E.F.F.O.R.T.225) was founded to provide for the needs of the orphaned and poor, and encourage and support missionaries and local pastors throughout the world. (Philippians 2:25-30)




What we do:

  1. Provide for the needs of the poor, widowed, orphaned and neglected through available resources.

  2. Arrange short term mission trips to allow many to serve, link resources and support struggling missions

  3. Provide training, therapy, crisis intervention and spiritual care to those in the field conducted by a licensed psychologist.

  4. Create linkage between churches and missionaries in the field for support and connection.


Kevin, Beverly and Joey Barclay



©EFFORT225 is a non profit 501(c)3 organization for those in need and missionaries serving them.

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